Sunday, February 18, 2007

Found back issues of The Sensational She-Hulk!

Found back issues of The Sensational She-Hulk!

I went to the comic book show and guess what? One table was selling the She-Hulk Comics for 50 cents each! I about wet my pants I got so excited. I’m so glad I decided on going. My lonely nights are over.

-I love you She-Hulk!


Selba said...

Yay!!! You really bought that many comics of the She-Hulk? Oh my... only 50 cents each!!!

Here in Indonesia, a USA comic or magazine cost our whole one day salary :(

Wish I'm your neighbour so I can borrow them, hehehe

She-Hulk's Bitch said...

Yeah I bought them, they're old so dealers try to get rid of stuff like this at comic book shows by selling it real cheap.

Too bad I did't know you liked She-Hulk I could have got you some. I'm sorry it is so expensive. :(

She's the best. A goddess in fact.

Swinebread said...

Man you had a big grin on you're face!