Monday, March 12, 2007

She-Hulk and Green Sex

Wild Bill has a funny post at Passionate America about She-Hulk, Captain Kirk and Green Sex. He deliberately confuses green (environmental) with green skin. But if you can have it both ways, why not? Check out the Link and post a comment on his site, is green sex good? I of course, think so. What do you think?

-I love you She-Hulk


ladybug said...

Now that's pretty funny, but you DO know that the biggest "Green Day" is comin'round the corner, don'tcha?

Of course I mean St. Paddy's day, when the amazing appearance of Green Beer makes it's annual slide down the throats of young men like yourself!

Now get thee down to the Pub to worship the Green Goddess - She-Hulk!

Dean Wormer said...

After perusing Wild Bill's other posts I'd take his blogging ability to be somewhere between that of a talking chipmunk and a bag of oats.

What an original schtick - a pissed-off conservative.

Like there's any other kind.