Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

How could I not wish you all Happy St. Patrick's Day. This is a blog devoted to a woman who is all green.


Selba said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Must be so happy because it so green day... hehehe

Btw, this picture is the most beautiful of She Hulk. Gosh.. how to make a gorgeous body like her? hopefully it's not because of those plastic surgeries :P

ladybug said...

Hmm, she looks like Hugh Hefner's version of She-Hulk in this pic!

The question is, will she attend partys at the new Maloof Playboy Club/Hotel in Vegas or will she blow them off for consumate alt fest Burning Man?

Enquiring Minds want to KNOW!

Swinebread said...

I'm sure some sort of blowing off is involved regardless...

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