She-Hulk continues her adventures and rotating her beaus as a Huckbuster for S.H.I.E.L.D. After smashing some of the Hulk’s rouges gallery with her fellow agents, Jenny Walters proves her worth both in the heat of battle and in the heat of the bedroom. The action (superhero action naughty boy) is only momentarily interrupted when the head honcho seduces her. But who could blame Shulkie after Wolverine’s putdown last issue. But rest assured this is merely a prelude to a huge punch pounding battle with Jenny wearing a purple bra and panties. God, I love this comic! This issue has it all, Life Model decoys, the helicarrier, secret government plans, and Iron Man. I'm really enjoying the art and story in this one. I thought the whole She-Hulk gets drafted into S.H.I.E.L.D. sounded lame ‘cause I hate the whole Civil War thing, but I gotta’ admit it's working for me. Shulkie has always been good in team books so maybe the entire sexy espionage narrative is a nice twist. If I had to sum it up, I’d say it reminds me a lot of the
Venture Brothers in terms of tone and design. I think we’ve hit that nice balance between the Savage and Sensational She-Hulks, the S.H.I.E.L.D.-Hulk.

Here a quote from Marvel's
websiteThe Emerald Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is in for the shock of her life! And we’re not talking about SHE-HULK’S super-charged battle with ZZZAX! No, this is what happens after-- when she finally realizes who blasted her cousin into space! Get ready for havoc on the Helicarrier when Jen finally learns…
“They shoot Hulks, don’t they?”
She-Hulk #17 gets:
5 out 5 Green Kisses
-I love you She-Hulk